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OOO "'Эко-Томск"

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Информация о компании

EcoTomsk Ltd. is a fast growing and ambitious company in Siberia, specializing in developing complex and high-tech software for participants in the financial markets, with a focus on derivatives and risk analysis.

Our team includes professionals in the fields of financial markets, investments, mathematics and software development (including PhDs).

High quality of products and services, honesty and responsibility in dealing with our clients and partners, never stopping process of self-perfection, use of the latest technologies — these are the principles our business is based on.

Eco-Tomsk, Ltd., invites you to join our team.
We are a team of people who enjoy each other's diverse backgrounds and are united by sincere interest in what we are doing at Eco-Tomsk.

Build your career with us:
Work on challenging projects for premier companies.
Enjoy your carrier and teach others while working in a friendly team of professionals.
If you do a good job at Eco-Tomsk, be prepared to have back more than you expect from the company!

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